JenLab has been honored as the "Innovator of the Year 2023" and received the "Public´s Choice Award" with over 32,000 voters.
This significant "Public´s Choice Award" of the German Economy reflects not only professional excellence but also signifies a positive impact on the broader community. The award ceremony was held on November 17th at the Hilton Hotel and the Berlin Capital Club on Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin.
Heartfelt thanks to our valued voters for contributing to our success, and sincere gratitude to everyone who has been part of our remarkable journey. PDF to download.
Photo: Prof. Karsten König (CEO JenLab), PD Dr. Aisada König, Anna Schäfer, Michael Oelmann
JenLab is nominated for the Prism Award 2024 of the global photonics industry
The International Society for Optics and Photonics selected JenLab GmbH as a finalist for the 2024 Prism Award. The German company will be honored during a 31 January Gala evening at the conference Photonics West in San Francisco.
The Prism Award recognizes the impact of optical technologies on our society. JenLab was selected as a finalist in the category of Biomedical Photonics for its development of the multiphoton tomograph "MPTcompact" for high-resolution and metabolic skin imaging. The key element of the multimodal imaging system is an ultracompact femtosecond fiber laser placed in a 360º imaging head. The tomograph runs on batteries that can be sun-powered. The two other finalists in that category are the Canadian company Online Biomedical Inc. for nasal photodesinfection and the US company Photosound Technologies Inc. for photoacoustics. Press Release.
JenLab präsentiert Laser-tomograph der Berliner Wissenschaftssenatorin Frau Franziska Giffey und dem polnischen Btoschafter auf den Photonics Days in Berlin-Adlershof
Die Firma JenLab GmbH hat ihren neusten Multiphotonen-Tomographen „MPTcompact“ auf den „Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg“ am 9./10. Oktober 2023 auf dem Campus Adlershof präsentiert. 300 Experten aus der Photonik-Branche waren angereist, darunter 28 Aussteller und Delegationen aus Polen und der Ukraine.
Zu den Besuchern des JenLab-Standes zählte auch die Berliner Senatorin für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit; Pflege und Gleichstellung sowie der Ausserordentliche und Bevollmächtigte Botschafter der Republik Polen Herr Darius Pawlos. Beide liessen sich mit grossem Interesse das Prinzip der optischen Hautbiopsie zum Nachweis von Krebszellen und von Nanopartikeln in der Haut durch die Anwendung von Sonnenschutzcreme erläutern. JenLab zählt zu den zehn Nominierten des „Innovationspreises Berlin-Brandenburg“, der am 24. November in Potsdam vergeben wird. Eine Woche vorher wird die Firma in Berlin mit dem Preis „Innovator des Jahres 2023“ ausgezeichnet werden.
JenLab reports on Medical Femtosecond Laser
JenLab, the expert for femtosecond laser technology in biomedicine, reports in the Journal of The European Optics Society on medical femtosecond laser devices for diagnostics and treatment. Commercial femtosecond laser systems are used in dermatology for high resolution skin imaging by multiphoton tomography as well as in ophthalmology for refractive corneal surgery and cataract surgery. The open access review by Karsten König, CEO of JenLab, is available online at:
J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. 2023, 19, 36